Having studied and holding a degree in Business Psychology with a focus on work and organizational psychology, Caroline is passionate about enabling and empowering others to improve themselves and their lives - both in and outside their workplace.
As a moderator and facilitator for trainings, workshops and labs, she works with individuals, teams and organizations of all backgrounds, sectors, levels and sizes.
She has always been interested in human behavior and deeply curious about the connection between the body and the mind. As an actress and a competing karate athlete she knows how much our mental state can influence our whole body and vice versa. Havening has added a new dimension for her to explore that connection.
With her background in systemic coaching & organizational development, Caroline understands that our behavior is situational and always depends on the context. Therefore, our emotional reaction and our resilience in each moment might vary, making our experiences and vulnerability to trauma highly individual.
One thing she loves about Havening is that it can help clients without having to completely re-live a trauma but at the same time often making things that much clearer for clients, putting things into a different perspective, making it easier to cope.
Caroline would love to support anyone who feels she might be a good fit for them with her empathy and creativity on their personal journey.
She is located in Berlin and often visits her family in Hamburg, but she's also available via zoom for consultations worldwide, in German or in English.